Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Gold Medal for Outstanding Achieve­ments in the Promo­tion of Scien­tific Knowl­edge is an award given by the Russian Academy of Sciences every five years since 2012.

The 2012 laureate is Sergey Petro­vich Kapitsa “for a series of scien­tific and educa­tional programmes ‘Evident, but Incred­ible’ and a series of popular science publi­ca­tions on the prob­lems of inter­ac­tion of science and society”. The 2017 laureate is the team of the Labo­ra­tory for Popu­lar­iza­tion and Propa­ganda of Math­e­matics at the Steklov Math­e­mat­ical Insti­tute of the Russian Academy of Science.


Award ceremony