HomeEtudesThe section contains both entertaining pop-science stories about modern mathematical problems, and animations that reveal well-known subjects in a new way. More etudes — in the Russian version
ParallelogramPythagorean Theorem: Euclid's proof Geometric progression: the chess legend Snell’s Law Kaleidoscope Helix Rainbow Sphere volume: Archimedes Scales Geometric progression decrease Regular polyhedra harmony Shukhov Tower Train wheels Invisible body Hinge mechanisms Folded rouble Sandwich problem Continuity Vernier scale Pick’s formula Wheelchair Pythagorean theorem: Interactive puzzle Inventing the wheel Catenary Steering geometry Flexible polyhedra Leaving the plane Ball volume Shadows Axioms Sorting mechanism Translation and rotation How deep is the underground station Angle trisection Degrees of freedom Lipkin linkageComputer engineering in the 1950s Plantigrade machine Anti-Durer Screen a ray Nice construction Corner reflector Shortest path Drilling square holes And this is a net?! Cycloid Ellipse The net Parabolic antennaArithmetic by Magnitsky Cubist parquet Piecewise linear embedding of a polyhedron Plane areas With a single cut Circular Reuleaux triangle Stairway to infinity Amazing volumes of polyhedra Volume increasing Contact number