HomeSketchesSimple visualisations of mathematical subjects. More sketches — in the Russian version
Equivalency and equidecomposabilityParabolic sieve Normal number π Szilassi polyhedron Walking toursOdd numbers sumPythagorean triangleTriangle interior angles sumHypocycloidSquare of a sum Reutersvärd’s Impossible Triangle Tricky cubePeriodic billiard trajectory Are there many prime numbers?Aperiodic tiling Platonic solids Tetrahedron altitudesTwo circlesRotor Duality of regular polyhedronsHyperbola and ellipse perpendicularityRoom illuminationHyperbola as an envelopeEllipse as an envelopeParabola as an envelopeParabola optical propertyEllipsis optical propertyTimber raftingAstroidCat on a ladder